Capturing Moments, Consuming Energy: The Environmental Impact of Photos

Written by
Iryna Komazova
February 25, 2024

How long can you keep yourself from taking a photo with your smartphone? A day? Two? Maybe a week? We bet you’ll make a couple of pictures of your child, or pet, or screenshots, or even your dinner – images you’ll never glance at again in a month. The history of photography is a fascinating journey from its early beginnings to the immediate nature of today's snapshots. However, behind the convenience lies an often-overlooked environmental impact. In our article, we'll explore ways to reduce the footprint of our pictures and encourage mindful photography practices.

The Evolution of Cameras

The development of photography began with the invention of the camera obscura in 1027. Over the years, multiple advances brought photography into the mainstream. The first photograph, a French landscape printed on a metal plate, was taken in 1825 with an exposure time of eight hours.

The digital revolution in the late 20th century marked a turning point, making photography accessible to everyone. With the first professional digital camera sold in 1991, people no longer had restrictions on the number of pictures they could take because of the film length. And, finally, in this millennium, smartphones with built-in cameras opened up a whole new world of taking pictures.

Now, we are free to see the photos straight away, select or delete them instantaneously, or spread them around, either privately or publicly. Smartphones have turned nearly everyone into a photographer, leading to an exponential increase in the number of photos taken daily. Social media platforms further compound the matter, with users sharing millions of images every minute.

Environmental Impact of Storing Photos

While the act of taking a photo has become effortless, the storage and maintenance of these digital memories come at a cost. The energy required to store and manage the colossal volume of photos on servers and data centers is substantial. A 2021 study showed that an average person takes almost 900 photos a year, while the unwanted images left in storage alone could accumulate 10.6 kg of CO2 emissions yearly. This amount is the equivalent of over 112,500 return flights from the UK to Australia.

Giving more examples, approximately 100 photos and a couple of videos equate to the CO2 production of a 17 km drive by car. Can you do a quick comparison between how many photos are in your smartphone right now and the equivalent car drive in kilometers? That’s the carbon footprint of your gallery right there!

Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Taking Pictures

A more thoughtful approach to photography can significantly reduce its impact on climate change. So, here is what you can do today for the environment:

  • Declutter your camera storage: delete photos with no value (unimportant, blurred, duplicated, screenshots).
  • Delete low-quality pictures straight away after taking the shot you are finally happy with, so you don’t forget to erase it afterwards.
  • Organize photos that matter to you in folders by date or occasion (keep in mind to use the following structure regarding dates: YYYY/MM/DD) to make it easier to find them.
  • Mind what you want to capture: instead of photographing every moment, consider the significance and value of each picture.
  • Switch off auto cloud storage: manually upload only the most important shots you want to save through the years.
  • Print selectively: physical prints also have an environmental impact. Choose only the most cherished photos in order to minimize the impact on resources.
  • Share your knowledge: raise awareness about the environmental impact of excessive photo storage among your friends and colleagues.
  • Share mindfully: choose wisely which pictures to post online. Keep in mind that posting a picture as a post has less environmental impact than sharing it as a story.


From the historical evolution of cameras to the modern-day digital era, each photo captured comes with an environmental cost.

By adopting mindful photography practices, utilizing storage efficiently, and making conscious choices about the moments we want to capture, we can collectively work towards reducing the environmental footprint of our photographic habits.

In doing so, we preserve not only memories but also the health of our planet for future generations.

Let’s look at how photography has become almost routine for the modern person, and the environmental influence pictures in our phones have, as well as how we can reduce their negative impact on the planet.
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